Showing posts with label nausea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nausea. Show all posts

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Breast cancer symptoms

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancer in the world, women must to pay atention to the first sign of breast  cancer. 

Screening program hellp women to get acces to a mammography in the early stages.

 Symptoms of breast tumors vary from person to person. Some common, early warning signs of breast cancer include:

  • Skin changes, such as swelling, redness, or other visible differences in one or both breasts
  • An increase in size or change in shape of the breast(s)
  • Changes in the appearance of one or both nipples
  • Nipple discharge other than breast milk
  • General pain in/on any part of the breast
  • Lumps or nodes felt on or inside of the breast

Symptoms more specific to invasive breast cancer are:

  • Irritated or itchy breasts
  • Change in breast color
  • Increase in breast size or shape (over a short period of time)
  • Changes in touch (may feel hard, tender or warm)
  • Peeling or flaking of the nipple skin
  • A breast lump or thickening
  • Redness or pitting of the breast skin (like the skin of an orange) 

Symptoms of invasive breast cancer

Breast cancer that’s spread from where it began into the tissues around it is called invasive or infiltrating. You may notice:

  • A lump in your breast or armpit. You might not be able to move it separately from your skin or move it at all.
  • One breast that looks different from the other
  • A rash or skin that’s thick, red, or dimpled like an orange
  • Skin sores
  • Swelling in your breast
  • Small, hard lymph nodes that may be stuck together or stuck to your skin
  • Pain in one spot

Symptoms of metastatic breast cancer

Without treatment, breast cancer can spread to other parts of your body, including other organs. This is called metastatic, advanced, or secondary breast cancer. Depending on where it is, you may have:

  • Bone pain
  • Headache
  • Changes in brain function
  • Trouble breathing
  • Belly swelling
  • Yellow skin or eyes (jaundice)
  • Double vision
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss
  • Muscle weakness

Symptoms of triple-negative breast cancer

Breast cancer is called triple-negative if it doesn’t have receptors for the hormones estrogen and progesterone and doesn’t make a lot of a protein called HER2. This kind tends to grow and spread faster than other types, and doctors treat it differently.

Triple-negative tumors make up 10% to 15% of breast cancers. They cause the same symptoms as other common types. Get an overview on triple-negative breast cancer symptoms and treatment.

Symptoms of male breast cancer

About 1% of breast cancers happen in men. Because it’s so rare, you may not pay attention to the symptoms until the cancer has grown. Watch for:

  • A lump or thick spot in your breast or armpit
  • Changes in the skin of your breast or nipple, such as redness, puckering, scales, or discharge

Learn more about breast cancer in men.

Symptoms of Paget’s disease of the breast

This type often happens along with ductal carcinoma. It affects the skin of your nipple and areola. Symptoms may look like eczema and include:

  • Nipple skin that’s crusted, scaly, and red
  • Bloody or yellow discharge from the nipple
  • A flat or inverted nipple
  • Burning or itching

FOTO from VectorStock

Monday, July 15, 2013

Mild Heart Attack Symptoms

Sometimes there is a formation of fatty plaque in some parts of the heart and the supply of blood to that part get restricted and due to which supply of oxygen also get reduced and the heart muscles of that portion become inactive and in turn become the cause of heart attack in that person.

Mild heart attack is a term normally referred to a condition in which a person experiences a heart attack but his medical conditions like heart rhythm, blood pressure etc is stable throughout the attack and the heart also keep on doing its work as in normal circumstances and ECG also don’t detect any kind of problem in the heart. Due to prolonged deprivation of oxygen the heart muscles start dying and in turn cause more serious heart problems and serious heart attack.

Heart attack is the most important cause of death rate both in men and women but the condition has been much under control by the inventions of new methods of treatments. But to get wanted results the treatment should start within an hour as the symptoms of heart attack occur. Generally the symptoms of mild heart attack in men is chest pain but the symptoms are slightly different in women as they suffer quite different symptoms like jaw pain, poor digestion and weakness.
Common symptoms of mild heart attack:

Some typical symptoms of mild heart attack are listed below:

• Feeling dizziness sometimes along with nausea but occurrence of nausea is not compulsory.
• Feeling of uneasiness or soreness in left arm and hand.
• A clinching pain is felt in the chest which reduces sometimes but never ends completely by walking or changing the position of body. Gradually the pain elevates towards the shoulders, jaws, back bone and sometimes even teeth. Some patients feel this pain even radiating towards their shoulder blades. The main symptom of heart attack is pain in jaw, arms or in back.

• A very strong pain is felt in the center of the chest which is also a symptom of heart attack.
• A prickling sensation is felt in the arm, shoulder or jaw.
• Heaviness is felt in the lower abdomen which is sometimes mixed with poor digestion.
• Trouble in breathing or complete breathlessness.
• Fainting due to shortness of breath or complete breathlessness is also a sign of heart attack.
• Elaborate sweating is also a symptom of mild heart attack.
• Vomiting due to heaviness in the lower abdomen also expresses mild heart attack.
• Sometimes heartburn or feeling of indigestion is also a sign of heart attack.
• Severe state of anxiety or feeling the end of everything.

All above symptoms are the most common of heart attack and if any of these symptoms are seen one should consult the doctor and should not wait for all the symptoms to occur as most of the deaths due to heart attack are because they didn’t reach the doctor within the time.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Symptoms of Heart Disease

Symptoms of Heart Disease
No single can be branded as Symptoms of Heart Disease. Then it no one single reason that indicates a heart disorder. There are certain symptoms that suggest the possibility of heart disease. Together they make the diagnosis almost certain. Doctors identify Symptoms of Heart Disease by interviewing the person to obtain the medical history and by performing a physical examination. Often, diagnostic procedures are performed to confirm the result of the diagnosis. However, sometimes a heart disorder, even when serious, produces no symptoms until it reaches a late stage. Routine health checkups or a visit to the doctor for some other reason may uncover a heart disorder that has caused no Symptoms of Heart Disease, earlier. Sometimes doctors perform procedures to screen for a heart disorder even when there is no evidence of it.

The Symptoms of Heart Disease include certain types of pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitation or irregular heartbeats, light-headedness, fainting, and swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet. However, these symptoms do not necessarily indicate a heart disorder. For example, chest pain may be due to a respiratory or digestive disorder rather than to a heart disorder. But as soon as you experience any of the above mentioned complains you must consult your doctor for confirmation. Peripheral Symptoms of Heart Disease and blood vessel disorders vary depending on where the affected blood vessels are located. These symptoms may include pain, muscle fatigue, muscle cramps, light-headedness, swelling, numbness, shortness of breath, and a change in skin color of the affected part of the body.

Chest pain is the most prominent Symptoms of Heart Disease. Immediately life-threatening causes include a heart attack, separation of the layers of the aorta's wall, that is known as aortic dissection, rupture of the esophagus, a blood clot in the lungs, and a type of collapsed lung in which pressure builds up enough to obstruct blood flow returning to the heart. Pain may occur when tissues do not get enough blood, this condition is called ischemia. Pain occurs because the tissues do not get enough oxygen that is carried to tissues by the blood, and also because waste products, which are carried away from tissues by the blood, accumulate. Other Symptoms of Heart Diseases are: Discomfort, pressure, heaviness, or pain in the chest, arm or below the breastbone, Discomfort radiating to the back, throat, jaw or arm, Extreme weakness, anxiety or shortness of breath, Rapid or irregular heartbeats, Fullness, indigestion or choking feeling, he may also feel heartburn, Sweating, vomiting, nausea, or dizziness.

During a heart attack, symptoms last for 30 minutes or longer and are not relieved by rest or oral medications. Initial symptoms started as a mild discomfort that then it progresses to significant pain. Swelling is due to the accumulation of fluid in tissues. Swelling is another important Symptoms of Heart Disease. It occurs when blood puddles in the leg veins, increasing pressure in the leg veins and forcing fluids out of the veins into tissues.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hypertensive cardiomyopathy

Hypertensive Cardiomyopathy
Hypertensive cardiomyopathy is caused by the excess depression of the myocardial systolic function that in turn increases the stress on the wall of the heart. An individual can have heart failure after functions like ventricular dilatation and depressed systolic remains after the hypertension correction. There are many kinds of heart diseases in which cardiomyopathy is another type. There are many types of cardiomyopathy as well. Hypertension is the major cause of hypertensive cardiomyopathy, hence the name. According to the classification given by WHO/ISFC, hypertensive cardiomyopathy are anything under the category of dilated, unclassified and restrictive. Pathophysiologic of this type of cardiomyopathy is distinct. People who suffer from heart disease are kept under observation and restriction in order to keep them out of stress as much as possible.

Distinct pathophysiologic in hypertension in dilated cardiomyopathy happens from extreme pressure on the systolic wall. In the overloading of right and left ventricles of systolic pressure, there is varieties of phenotypic expression that is qualitatively. This can include the dilation and systolic dysfunction but there is no thickness of the heart wall. Concentric hypertrophy with or without systolic dysfunction and vice versa is seen in hypertensive cardiomyopathy. Local neurohormonal mechanisms contributes to pathophysiology of hypertensive cardiomyopathies. The prognosis of hypertensive cardiomyopathy is possible by the existence of comorbid conditions like diabetes mellitus and diseases like coronary artery. The control of afterload too is another prognosis of hypertensive cardiomyopathy.

Hypertensive cardiomyopathy has treatment similar to ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. The only difference is that the afterload of this heart disease has to be controlled more intensely. Pure antihypertensive vasodilators like amlodipine or a-blocking agents are added to the therapies of heart failure. The symptoms of hypertensive cardiomyopathy are similar to many heart diseases. The symptoms are fatigue, dyspnea, shortness of breath, great need to urinate at night, irregular pulse, weight gain, difficulty sleeping flat in bed, swelling of feet and nausea.

Hypertensive heart disease can give rise to complications known as cardiac arrhythmias, left ventricular hypertrophy, congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease and hypertensive cardiomyopathy. The inflammation of the heart muscles weakens the ability of the heart to pump blood into the other parts of the body. This causes lack of oxygen in the body giving rise to fatigue and restlessness. High blood pressure makes the wall of the heart to be under too much stress. Those with heart defects like congenital disease and valve disease are affected by the hypertensive cardiomyopathy or dilated cardiomyopathy. Immediate attention should be paid to those suffering from this disease. Patients with this type of heart disease must be under constant observation and not be allowed to be very stressed out.

Heart diseases are at times hereditary. In these cases, patients should not be over excited or stressed out. This leads to the formation of excess blood pressure inside the heart and the walls are inflamed not being able to take the pressure. The valves and arteries inside the heart are unable to handle the pressure. The clots too should be removed in order to avoid heart complications. With care and proper medications, there is full scope of recovery.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Rapid heart beats after eating -worry or not

Rapid heart beats after eating - what should we be worried about?

Rapid heart beats

Some people experience rapid heart beats after eating and this can create an important discomfort as they begin to be afraid or avoid eating in order to prevent these irregular heart beats to occur. Others are worried they might have a heart disease that causes palpitations and sick medical help. In the next part of the article we will find out what is the meaning of these palpitation and how can we prevent them.
After a meal, the digestion process requires more blood in the stomach and intestine and that’s why the heart has to pump more blood in these organs. The process consisting in increasing the amount of blood in the abdominal area after a meal is very important as it helps the body to assimilate food. This routine activity can determine palpitations, because heart has to work harder then usually. Until now, heart palpitation after eating seems to be a normal manifestation that can occur during a daily physiological process of our body.
Along with palpitation, after eating there are other manifestations that can also occur:
  • nausea
  •  dizziness-it occurs because cerebral blood flow is reduced, as the stomach needs more blood then usually in order to digest the food.
  •  fatigue or even exhaustion (the blood will accumulate in the digestive system, while other organs and among them, the brain, will receive a smaller amount of blood)
  • chest pain after eating- many times, patient with coronary disease (chronic heart ischemia determined by deprivation of oxygen) can have a chest pains after eating
  •  sweating
  • insomnia-if you sleep immediately after a meal, you may have problems to fall asleep. Because during night digestion and digestive secretion used in this process are diminished, you may get indigestion with abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting.
  •  shortness of breath-the stomach is full of food and presses against diaphragma, restricting lung expansion during breathing
  •  abdominal discomfort-if we eat too much or meals which are difficult to digest

If we experience rapid heart beats after eating should we seek for medical help?

Even if sometimes, heart palpitation after eating it is a normal manifestation, there are other causes for this condition, which need to be evaluated and treated. The answer is yes, if we experience heart palpitation after eating we should pay a visit to our doctor and check if there is something wrong.
What is the cause for heart palpitations after eating?
  •  sudden consumption of food after a long period of starvation. This is often seen in patients suffering from anorexia nervosa, when after a long time of not eating, they start the consumption of food, the level of blood sugar increases rapidly, followed by increased secretion of insulin, which can create arrhythmia and also decreases blood sugar. The rapid decrease of blood sugar will stimulate the secretion of adrenaline, which will stimulate heart activity and create palpitation (it is like when you hurry up a person and it is obviously that in some point she will do mistakes)
  •  hiatal hernia– a small portion of the stomach protrudes into the chest through diaphragm (the muscle that separates chest from abdomen and looks like a roof). This condition is usually associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease and may lead to chest pain and palpitations.
  •  obesity- usually these persons have a diet with lot of sugar and caffeine, with a sedentary lifestyle and they can experience palpitation and chest pain. Their body has a lot of fats and these fats will deposit on the blood vessels wall, blocking them and generating heart disease (coronary arteries disease-with deprivation of blood and oxygen in the heart tissues). Also, the heart has to work extra hard to pump blood into their stomach.
  •  hormonal imbalance could be a possible cause of heart palpitation after eating. For example hyperthyroidism (a thyroid disorder with high level of hormones) determines heart palpitation, tachycardia, chest pain, shortness of breath etc.
  •  Severe anemia can affect heart and determine tachycardia (rapid heart rate) or irregular heart beats. Because there is a small number of oxygen carriers, heart will try to pump the blood faster and faster in order to satisfy the tissues need for blood and oxygen. In the same time, heart needs oxygen for itself, working harder with less oxygen it is a very good condition for palpitation to occur. Persons that avoid eating meat, can have anemia, as the meat is the main source of iron.

How can we treat rapid heart beats after eating?

Preventing heart palpitation after eating should first start with a moderate diet and by this we mean to eat moderate amounts of food at regular intervals. It is not advisable to eat one meal after we starved ourselves an entire day. Regular meals in small proportion, regular exercise, losing weight and periodically check of the hormones level (since hormonal imbalance can determine heart dysfunction) are the solution to this medical issue.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

7 weeks pregnant symptoms

Pregnancy is a fascinating news for the future parents, as a child is a blessing for every family and a miracle of life. But every miracle has its own price and the nine month until it is brought to real life can be very exhausting for the mother as she has to make important changes in her life, together with the changes made in her body.
This article is mainly about the 7 weeks pregnant symptoms but we should specify that many times women find out they are pregnant after they are investigated for tiredness, morning sickness, nausea and vomiting (many times confused with a digestive disorder). Once they find out they are pregnant they begin to be worried about what is going to happen next, “is the baby all right?” ”doesn’t he/she suffering from a malformation”, “when will he/she move?”, “how does it feel when u have contractions”, “how will I gave birth, where?” etc. These are only a few questions young mother ask more often, but there are many others.

The main 7 weeks pregnant symptoms

What are the 7 weeks pregnant symptoms ? Before we enumerate  the 7 weeks  pregnant symptoms we should mention some information about the baby. At this age, your baby will measure about 4-5 mm, but by the end of the week he/she will grow significantly to about 13 mm. Even if the changes in your body aren’t so obvious, you will feel pregnant as other symptoms occur. One of the 7 weeks pregnant symptoms is weight gain, even if at this point it is just 1 or 2 pounds.
Other 7 weeks pregnant symptoms-the baby’s growth: the uterus has doubled its size, the neural tube is closed and the development of brain begins in this week, also nasal cavities and mouth are forming. The heart is already formed and the heart valves are about to be completed, the future lungs are growing and the intestines and digestives system begin to take shape, as other glands. By the week 7, limbs are visible on the echography, even the future fingers and toes and by the end of the week a smooth layer of skin will develop.
The 7 weeks pregnant symptoms include varied signs and symptoms as we will see next. One of the most frequent manifestations among 7 weeks pregnant symptoms is morning sickness (a symptom that usually occurs between 2-8 weeks after conception). This is one of the 7 weeks pregnant symptoms but can occur even from the first week and will diminish in time. As it happens frequently in medicine, there are exceptions: some women don’t have morning sick, nausea or vomiting during pregnancy, while others deal these symptoms throughout all of their pregnancy. The morning sickness will grow stronger in  weeks, the nausea will be moderate, also vomiting frequently occurs. Digestive symptoms must be carefully managed, as pregnancy is often associated with appendicitis, cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) or urinary stones.

Other manifestations among 7 weeks pregnant symptoms:

  • fatigue-a symptom that can occur early in the pregnancy, even from the first week. Pregnant women feel more tired, even if they don’t make any effort, and the need of lying down and sleep is more intense, but this doesn’t mean they are sick; it is simply one of the changes related to pregnancy.
  • headaches-hormonal imbalance related to pregnancy is the cause of these symptoms that can occur early in the pregnancy and usually tend to go away in the second trimester. Lack of sleep or dehydration, smoking, strong odors, chocolate, coffee, stress tends to play also a role in this. Some of the women experience intense headaches or even migraine (before taking any medication, you should consult your doctor to see the risks and benefits)
  • excessive salivation-it is more frequent in women that experience morning sick.
  • metallic taste-it is a less frequent 7 weeks pregnant symptoms, caused by hormones imbalance, and usually goes away in the second trimester.
  • frequent urination- it is normal and it is caused by hormones imbalance. Also the amount of blood is larger in pregnant women, so the kidneys have a lot more to work.
  • swollen or tender breasts, darkening of areolas -may start after 1-2 weeks after conception.
  • lower backaches
  • food craving or food aversion to certain types of food that can last the entire pregnancy not just for 7 weeks pregnant symptoms.
As we saw above, 7 weeks pregnant symptoms vary from one woman to another and seem unbearable for outsiders, but these symptoms are all forgotten once the mother holds her “miracle” in her arms.

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