Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Breast cancer causes

Breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent forms of cancer affecting women worldwide. While significant progress has been made in understanding and treating this disease, there is still much to learn about its causes. Breast cancer is a multifaceted condition influenced by a range of factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and hormonal imbalances. In this post, we will delve into the complex causes of breast cancer, shedding light on the various factors that contribute to its development.

  1. Genetic Predisposition: Certain genetic mutations, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, can significantly increase the risk of developing breast cancer. However, it's essential to note that only a small percentage of breast cancer cases are directly attributed to inherited genetic factors. Most cases are believed to result from a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental influences.

  2. Hormonal Factors: Hormonal imbalances play a pivotal role in breast cancer development. Women with early onset of menstruation, late menopause, or a prolonged history of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are at a higher risk. Estrogen, a hormone produced by the ovaries, has been linked to the growth of certain types of breast cancer. Additionally, the use of oral contraceptives and exposure to high levels of estrogen over an extended period may slightly increase the risk.

  3. Lifestyle Choices: Unhealthy lifestyle choices can contribute to breast cancer risk. Lack of physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, and being overweight or obese have been associated with an increased likelihood of developing breast cancer. Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to higher breast cancer risk, making moderation essential.

  4. Environmental Factors: Exposure to certain environmental factors may also play a role in breast cancer development. These include ionizing radiation, such as from medical imaging tests like mammograms, and environmental pollutants like pesticides, industrial chemicals, and air pollution. While the impact of these factors is still being researched, it is crucial to minimize exposure to potential carcinogens where possible.

  5. Family History: A family history of breast cancer can elevate an individual's risk, especially if a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or child) has been diagnosed. Although most cases of breast cancer occur in individuals without a family history, it is important for those with a history to be aware of their increased risk and consider early screening and genetic counseling.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Heart palpitations?

Heart palpitations? See what they are and how to treat!

Typically, heart palpitations are not something rare or something serious. But it's enough to feel a few times to scare and worry. Learn more about palpitations, their causes and methods of treatment!

What are palpitations and how they feel?

Palpitations feel like abnormal heart beats. Can be beat stronger as heart make a greater effort to pump blood may be a faster and less frequent beatings as if your heart skipped a beat. May occur when you exercise or when standing still when standing up or in bed. You can feel in your chest or throat somewhere. In general, palpitations are harmless, but in rare cases can be a sign of heart disease.

You have palpitations? See which causes!

Most often, the causes palpitations related to your lifestyle. May occur when you drink much coffee, you smoke, you do strenuous exercise, but also in case of strong emotions - for example if you are really stressed or suffer from anxiety. Palpitations can occur when you have a fever and you take certain medicines, such as cold and flu tablets containing pseudoephedrine. Palpitations in women can be caused by hormonal changes related to menstruation, menopause or pregnancy.

When palpitations are a sign of disease?

In rare cases, palpitations are a sign of disease - either hyperthyroidism or cardiac arrhythmia. Arrhythmia can mean beats too fast, ie tachycardia, racing rare, ie bradycardia or irregular, ie atrial fibrillation. All these diseases call to be taken seriously, so if you frequent palpitations, strong or lasting much should go to the doctor. Also, you should get help immediately if you have chest pain, you can not breathe or feel dizzy when you have palpitations.

What's the treatment for heart palpitations?

Treatment depends obviously causes palpitations. If it's an arrhythmia, only cardiologist tells you how to treat yourself after you establish the type of arrhythmia and the exact cause. If you have no heart disease, treatment consists of lifestyle change. You will need to rest more, relieve stress as much as possible, to give up coffee and other stimulants or change doses of medication if you are under treatment.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Low Carb Diet

Low Carb Diet
Low Carb Diet
Montignac diet is recommended by You will see that Montignac diet means a lifestyle rather than the actual dieting. We recommend buying nutritionist Montignac book and read it carefully.

Indeed, Montignac diet was and is challenged as it would encourage consumption of fat but if we follow entirely nutritionist advice we will not have any problems with cholesterol and other health problems. also published articles on Montignac diet but readers have written to us that they would like more concrete advice in the book because often do not have time to carefully read the books of renowned nutritionist. Therefore back with another article but with concrete advice and printable Montignac diet. The question was one of the readers: "I could have a poster with clear dietary advice? I would put in my kitchen and I find him to know specifically what to eat. "I answered reader through this article and hopefully we will be and your help.

How do we keep Montignac diet?

Montignac diet is divided into two phases.
Phase I: Involves eating for a very low glycemic index of 35 or less. Phase I is a recommended way of Montignac to give up bad eating habits and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

It encouraged the consumption of fish or vegetable protein (people who have kidney problems should consult a doctor before for this type of diet might affect health).

Phase II: In this stage we need to keep everything I lost in the first round and try to eat food with a low glycemic index or average. And the second phase should become more of a lifestyle.

Montignac diet when we eat keep:

The menu allows two main options: either proteins and lipids or carbohydrates and fiber. Anyway, do not mix carbohydrates with anything! Lunch should be the main meal of the day.

At breakfast we eat: Either proteins and lipids: herbal tea, a boiled egg, lean ham, cheese diet, coffee. Whether carbohydrates and fiber fruits (apples, kiwi, cherries, others ...) or whole grains, whole wheat bread, rye with dietary jam, marmalade or jam without sugar, coffee.

Eat lunch: tomato soup; salad (Bulgarian) with cheese, lean ham or cooked eggs; omelet with mushrooms; fish; grilled chicken with bean pods. Recommended vegetables excluding potatoes and carrots. As many vegetables without restriction !! Optional snack almonds or walnuts. Lunch is recommended to be based proteins and lipids.

At dinner we eat: Either carbohydrates and fiber: vegetable soup; steamed vegetables; salads, fruit. Whether protein and fat: lean ham, yogurt, cottage cheese with 0% fat.

If I ate meat at lunch not eat dinner.

How to combine food?

A main idea the Montignac diet is based on how to combine foods. Thus, combine foods in Group A - meat (boiled or grilled), eggs, fish, low-fat cheese, or other dairy group B - vegetables. Never combine foods in Group A with Group C - cereals, potatoes, rice, pasta or corn. And they all combine with vegetables.

Conclusion: B group food (vegetables excluding potatoes) can be combined with anything else. Foods Group A and Group C should never be combined with each other!

Sugar is considered by Michel Montignac food dangerous and should be removed. Carbohydrates "bad" such as potatoes, rice, corn, refined pasta, pastries, sugary products, alcohol, fried foods or spend more time in the oven must be removed from the diet!
As the fruits, we can say that general recommendation, not only diet Montignac, it would be good to be eaten alone and on an empty stomach (at least half an hour before meals and at least two hours after eating).
Polyunsaturated fatty acids (lipids fish) and monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil) are recommended for as many of your meals diet Another rule is that fruits and vegetables be eaten, if possible, in their natural state, to not be removed by heat-treating nutritional qualities.

Foods with a low glycemic index stabilizes the amount of insulin that is produced by the pancreas and metabolism is supported so that does not cause fat deposits. Montignac diet allows you to eat foods you like and can thus be followed even on holidays such as Easter or Christmas. In addition, you should not stand out when you go to the restaurant and ordered food will not "betray" that are on diet.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Diet and Exercise to Lower Cholesterol

Diet to Lower Cholesterol
Cardiovascular disease has long been the number one health killer, and its related diseases caused by very high mortality rate. And constitutes a major cardiovascular disease risk factor is high cholesterol, however, the vast majority of cholesterol through diet and lifestyle can be a considerable degree of control. Studies have shown that as long as the lower value of 1% cholesterol, the risk of heart disease can be reduced by 2%.

Changes in lifestyle towards a healthy way

If you have high cholesterol (200 mg / dL or more) trouble, you can try by the U.S. Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute) of the proposed “therapeutic lifestyle change” (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes , TLC) diet.

It is a positive lifestyle reduces the body’s cholesterol levels to reduce the incidence of heart diseases. Its main objectives are as follows:

1. Reducing sodium intake to 2,400 milligrams per day
2. To determine the daily intake of saturated fat of total daily calorie intake of less than 7%
3. Restrict access of calories from fat, total daily calorie intake does not exceed 25% to 35%
4. Limit dietary cholesterol (dietary cholesterol) of less than 200 mg per day, it comes from animal sources of food.
5. Restrict carbohydrate intake accounted for 50% of total daily calories to 60%, make sure it is rich in complex carbohydrates, mostly from (complex carbohydrates) food such as whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

Dietary Guidelines for therapeutic lifestyle

Therapeutic lifestyle diet emphasizes a balanced intake of various types with low saturated fatty acids, low in cholesterol and trans fatty acids, beneficial for cardiovascular health and more.

Dietary recommendations include:

1. Bread / cereal: whole grain bread, cereal pieces, such as oatmeal or brown rice.
2. Vegetables: Eat more dark green vegetables, beans, soy milk, tofu and other soy products.
3. Meat: Remove fat, retain lean part of the peeled poultry consumption, and limit intake of animal organs.
4. Choose a good oil: more choice of unsaturated vegetable oils such as soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil or olive oil.
5. Dairy products: skim or low-fat milk, yogurt, yogurt or low-fat cheese and so on.

In addition, it should eliminate the salt and seasonings to replace the use of herbs and spice.

Exercise can lower cholesterol

TLC appropriate program of physical activity is another key. In addition to regular exercise can help you manage your weight, adjusting blood fat, reduce arterial accumulation of cholesterol, enhance the beneficial HDL (high density lipoprotein), and improve overall cardiovascular function. Study found that jogging habits, their body fat clearance rate faster than people who do not exercise 70%.

You do not have to be marathon runners or mountain climbers, but persistent and progressive sport, and allows you to achieve the maximum cholesterol-lowering effect. Started by a number of simple activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, gardening or dancing. And then advanced to a higher intensity activities, try brisk walking, swimming, tennis or riding a bicycle and so on. Goal is to reach almost every day for at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise. Once you change your diet and start exercising, you will see a decline in cholesterol and weight values, that is, to pay the maximum return.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Heart Attack Causes

Heart Attack Causes
There are few different things that heart attack causes have in common. The primary one, however, is that all these causes put unnecessary strain and stress on the body and the heart. In order to limit your potential for a heart attack it is important to know what the causes are. If you know what causes a heart attack you can develop a plan to eliminate these causes from your life. It may be difficult to eliminate all of the heart attack causes from your life because there are factors at work that you have no control over, such as genetics. However, there are some causes that you can strive to minimize or even eliminate.

One of the most common heart attack causes is stress. If you are a constant worrier who doesn’t get much sleep then you are at a greater risk of having a heart attack. When you are stressed out your body goes into overdrive. This puts unnecessary strain on the heart muscle. Over time, this constant strain on the heart will gradually weaken it. In turn, you may have a heart attack. Good ways to deal with stress include doing something that you enjoy that also has a benefit for the heart. This could include things such as taking a long walk or jumping in the pool to go for a swim. The idea is to take your mind off of what is stressing so that your heart can get a workout in a good way.

Obesity is also one of the major heart attack causes. Becoming obese is directly related to your diet in most cases. If you are putting bad foods into your body you will likely see your weight climb. When this happens you are putting extra pressure on your heart. Your heart must work faster and harder in an effort to carry all of the excess weight around. A poor diet will also contribute to plaque buildup in your arteries. If you have substantial buildup in your arteries then eventually it will stop the blood flow to your heart. Once this happens you will have a heart attack.

Heart attack causes are often things that can be avoided if you decide to take care of yourself both mentally and physically. Making an effort to live more of a stress free lifestyle while also eating healthier can reduce your risk of a heart attack in no time flat.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Heart Disease in Women

Heart Disease in Women
Heart disease in women is a serious issue that needs special attention. Certain factors that pertain only to women are responsible for making this group of people at risk. In the past, most physicians would typically monitor men more closely for heart disease than women. This is because, in general, it was thought that most women have a lifestyle that is less stressful than men. While this may have been true at some point in time, it is not true today. The fact that many women deal with the same stresses as men, coupled with the fact that there are a few natural causes for heart disease in women in play, means that special attention must be paid to the possibility of heart disease.

Causes of Heart Disease in Women

* Menopause. Some medical professionals feel that when a women’s body stops producing estrogen they are at greater risk for getting heart disease. There is evidence that suggests that estrogen helps to insulate a women’s body from acquiring the condition. This fact is especially true if menopause occurs due to surgery. If a women has surgery to remove the ovaries or the uterus then the chances of them getting heart disease increases significantly.

* Birth Control Pills. Women who take birth control pills put themselves at risk of getting heart disease. In an effort to protect yourself from this condition is recommended that the pills be low-dose. The lower dose will be gentler on the body, specifically the heart. With that in mind, women who are on birth control and smoke cigarettes or have high blood pressure are at a higher risk for heart disease.

* Poor lifestyle habits. Similar to men, women who are in the habit of not exercising and eating poorly are at a greater risk for getting heart disease. A lack of exercise will oftentimes be accompanied by high cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol than the chance of having a narrowing or hardening of the arteries improves. Also, eating a poor diet will mean that you are putting food into your body that can poison it. In short, fatty foods will lead to the production of plaque in the arteries which will ultimately begin to build up on the interior walls of the arteries.

Heart disease in women is a major problem in this day and age. Knowing the causes and symptoms can help you identify if there are any warning signs present.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Heart Disease in Women

Heart Disease in Women
Heart disease in women is a serious issue that needs special attention. Certain factors that pertain only to women are responsible for making this group of people at risk. In the past, most physicians would typically monitor men more closely for heart disease than women. This is because, in general, it was thought that most women have a lifestyle that is less stressful than men. While this may have been true at some point in time, it is not true today. The fact that many women deal with the same stresses as men, coupled with the fact that there are a few natural causes for heart disease in women in play, means that special attention must be paid to the possibility of heart disease.

Causes of Heart Disease in Women

* Menopause. Some medical professionals feel that when a women’s body stops producing estrogen they are at greater risk for getting heart disease. There is evidence that suggests that estrogen helps to insulate a women’s body from acquiring the condition. This fact is especially true if menopause occurs due to surgery. If a women has surgery to remove the ovaries or the uterus then the chances of them getting heart disease increases significantly.

* Birth Control Pills. Women who take birth control pills put themselves at risk of getting heart disease. In an effort to protect yourself from this condition is recommended that the pills be low-dose. The lower dose will be gentler on the body, specifically the heart. With that in mind, women who are on birth control and smoke cigarettes or have high blood pressure are at a higher risk for heart disease.

* Poor lifestyle habits. Similar to men, women who are in the habit of not exercising and eating poorly are at a greater risk for getting heart disease. A lack of exercise will oftentimes be accompanied by high cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol than the chance of having a narrowing or hardening of the arteries improves. Also, eating a poor diet will mean that you are putting food into your body that can poison it. In short, fatty foods will lead to the production of plaque in the arteries which will ultimately begin to build up on the interior walls of the arteries.

Heart disease in women is a major problem in this day and age. Knowing the causes and symptoms can help you identify if there are any warning signs present.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease
The changing lifestyle of the people are increasing the risk of heart disease. In the past ten years the maximum death is caused by the heart disease. People suffer from various types of heart disease. One of the most common types of heart disease is Coronary Artery Disease. Most of the people in the world suffer from this disease. Any type of the heart disease can be dangerous to health. The heart disease must be diagnosed earlier in order to avoid the complications. As it is a type of cardiovascular disease special care must be paid to your diet and exercise. It is a disease of arteries. It is also called as CAD. It is said to be one of the main causes of heart attack. In coronary artery disease the blood flow is obstructed in the arteries causing heart attack. When the flow of blood is reduced in the arteries the heart muscles get damaged causing heart attack. It can also result in other heart problems like chest pain. In many cases the disease develops over year and only comes in notice when the patient suffers from heart attack. If the disease is diagnosed in early stage then it can be cured to certain extent thus reducing the complications.

If coronary artery disease becomes more complicated it can largely reduce the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart. The signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease are shortness of breath, chest pain and heart attack. Many people ignore shortnesses of breath but it can be dangerous causing heart attack. Shortness of breath is one o the main symptoms of coronary artery disease. Shortness of breath means the you cannot pump enough blood to the heart. This can also cause fatigue and swelling of arms and ankles. Chest pain is also a common symptom of coronary artery disease. The patient suffering from chest pain can experience heaviness in the chest or pressure in the chest. If the patient suffers from frequent chest pain then he or she must be diagnosed. Heart attack has become very common and maximum number of people are falling pray to it. The maximum number of death in the world is caused by heart attack. In many cases the heart attack happens suddenly without any symptoms and signs. The number of deaths caused by coronary disease is increasing with each year. In United States the disease affecting millions of people.

The complications in coronary artery disease give rise to heart attack, arrhythmia and angina pectoris. Coronary artery disease is the result of atherosclerosis. When a plaque is formed in the arteries it causes atherosclerosis. If the patient is getting early symptoms of coronary artery disease an immediate check up must be done to avoid further complications. If the disease is detected earlier it can reduce many risk. There are lot of tests and surgery done to treat the disease. Those suffering from the disease must put more emphasis on the diet.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy

Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy
Large number of people are falling victim to heart disease. One of the main reasons of the increase in the number of heart patient is the changing lifestyle. Various types of heart disease are effecting people in large number. The symptoms of each type of heart disease is different. One of the most common types of heart disease is Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy. It is a disease of the heart muscle. This is caused when the heart muscle becomes weak. Cardiomyopathy or heart muscle disease is a major public health problem. There are 3 million people in United States currently living with cardiomyopathy. Almost 400,000 people are diagnosed with heart disease each year. This disease has become a prime factor in contributing quarter million deaths in the world. In the past few years the incidence of cardiomyopathy is increasing like anything. Many complications of the disease can be overcome if the patient understand their disease. The patient suffering from Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy must take active participation in treating the disease. The heart muscle become very weak in most cases of alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

There are many disorders which cause numerous types of cardiomyopathy. But whatever may be the type ultimately the same thing happen which is the inefficiency of the heart muscle. It reduces the capacity of the heart to meet the needs of the body. The heart failure happens when the heart can no longer pump enough blood. The cases of Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy is increasing day by day. The main cause of cardiomyopathy is the coronary artery disease. The damage to the heart can be on the region of the heart muscles. One must get themselves diagnosed properly. Go for a proper diet and god exercise which can help the patient to avoid certain complications. As alcoholic cardiomyopathy is caused by excessive consumption of alcohol for long time. It is caused by the direct toxic effects of alcohol. In that case the heart become inefficient and the heart become unable to pump the blood. Not only heart is effected by the Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy but other body parts can also be effected by this. The symptoms of alcoholic cardiomyopathy are decreased alertness or concentration, Shortness of breath, decreased urine output, loss of appetite; ankle, feet, and leg swelling; cough containing mucus, irregular or rapid pulse, breathing difficulty while lying down, overall swelling, weakness, fatigue, faintness, etc. The moment patient is experiencing these symptoms it become necessary to take him to the hospital.

One of the most important treatment for alcoholic cardiomyopathy is to improve the lifestyle and take care of the diet. Stop consuming alcohol. The commonly used medications must be used daily like beta blockers, diuretics and ACE inhibitors. The patient who are suffering from congestive heart failure must o for a surgical insertion. The patients of alcoholic cardiomyopathy must frequently consult the doctor and must continue with the medications. With latest drugs and technology coming up now one can easily diagonise the alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

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